Here's the thing people don't warn you about before going to Ireland. I thought I would help y'all out. These are the things I learned while on the trip:
- Northern Ireland and Ireland use different currencies. It’s very inconvenient.
- Chips means fries, biscuits means cookies.
- Never say pants in public, it means something different. Trust me on this, just dont say it. Refer to them as trousers.
- Most places don’t offer free refills.
- VERY IMPORTANT: The peace sign for americans is flipping the bird in Ireland.
- Learn to like tea, you will more than likely drink it every day.
- Public transportation usually runs every 30 minutes, just make sure you hop on the right bus.
- If you are loud, (which there is nothing wrong with being loud) the Irish already know where you’re from. American’s are just generally louder humans than others?
- Don’t break a bone before your trip, it will just be inconvenient for everyone. Don’t be that person (I was that person).