Boasting in Weakness


verb (used without object)

  1. to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself
  2. to speak with pride (often followed by of):

    ex. “He boasted of his family’s wealth.”


1. a thing boasted of; a cause for pride

2. exaggerated or objectionable speech; bragging 


In my Bible study today, I learned about boasting in ones weakness.  This is not a very popular topic, but I found it very convicting, and I wanted to share what I learned with y'all.  In 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, it talks about boasting in our weaknesses.  Usually, you look at boasting the same as bragging.  How often do you brag about something you aren’t good at? Not very often (at least I know I don’t).  Usually, we try to hide the things we are not good at, or the things we are struggling with and have a spotlight on what we are talented in.  I know for me, when I am struggling with a sin, or dealing with problems in life I try to hide it, because I do not want other’s to see that I am weak.  It isn’t because I am ashamed of the problems I face, but more just because I want to be as strong as I can be.  I am willing to bet that this is the same for most of you guys, too.  Well, we are not the ones who are called to be strong.  It is OKAY to be weak.  In fact, 2 Corinthians 12:9 says “…’My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’  So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”  This verse right here proves that there is nothing wrong in being weak, in fact, Christ does His best work through us when we are weak and need to lean on Him.  Now, when someone tellsyou that you need to be strong, you can simply reply saying you don’t, because God is already strong for you.  You are allowed to be weak; you can boast in your weakness because Christ is doing a mighty work through you in that.  So next time you are struggling, or having a weak moment and trying to hide it, remember that it is not only okay, but it is good to open up about it.  It is good to boast in your weaknesses.